Sunday 13 May 2018

Intestinal Obstruction Syndrome in the Newborn

Intestinal Obstruction is a frequent indication for surgical intervention in newborns and presents with three classic clinical signs that include vomiting, abdominal distention and failure to pass meconium and is the most common causes for admitting a pediatric patient to the pediatrics surgery unit in his or her first weeks of postnatal life.
Neonatal Intestinal Obstruction is caused by an anatomical abnormality that produces bowel movement failure and the Obstructive syndrome is characterized by interference with the flow of  gases, liquids, and solids, & is manifested by the three clinical signs. A common  problem in neonates is the Congenital obstruction of the digestive tract which is the most frequent cause being anorectal malformations, followed by esophageal obstruction, and duodenal obstruction. Changes that occur in the course of an intestinal obstruction as a result of the existing obstacle will cause an accumulation of liquids, gases, and alterations of the secretion and absorption above the occlusive lesion, giving rise to a whole cascade of events. By using obstetrical ultrasound a timely diagnosis can be obtained but still Neonatal Intestinal Obstruction Syndrome continues to be a diagnostic challenge.
To know more, head on to the following link:

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